Saturday, September 27, 2008

My week

As an educator, I try to take each day one at a time. I feel successful and accomplished like that! Last Thursday my students took their first math unit test. I like giving a test like this on a Thursday so that I can grade them, review with them, and have them get it signed over the weekend. I wasn't surprised to see the results of the test. The scores ranged drastically from a 4% to a 98%. I was trying to figure out how I can motivate the students to get higher grades. I wrote down all the grades and I haven't done so yet but I will get the average math score of the entire class. I was thinking a lot about the motivation when it clicked! I shared with my students that I was going to create a line graph of the average grades for each month. We discussed what line graphs are, what average means and what we would like to see happen to the graph (line constantly moving upward= higher grades). The kids loved this idea and are excited to begin the next unit in math. It's amazing what a small idea can do for students.

Vocabulary Words:
1. educator
2. successful
3. accomplished
4. motivate
5. excited
6. discussed

Cloze Exercise:

1. We __________ her grades in school and thought she should study more.
2. To be _________ means to feel a type of great emotion.
3. The teacher decided to _________ her students by creating a line graph.
4. Donal Trump is a __________ man. He has many businesses and takes pride in what he does.
5. My brother felt __________ when he graduated High School.
6. A teacher is also an ___________.

I chose to write in the past tense because the events that occured already happened. One can assume that things have already happened just by reading my blog. Choose 6 past tense verbs and change them to present tense verbs.

1 comment:

Teacher: Jackie said...

Good idea about the math test results! I am thrilled that you love teaching so much. Your enthusiasm in the classroom must be infectious.

Perhaps when discussing the past tense, you can mention past tense markers, such as "last Thursday." Learning about such markers give the students hints about what tense they should use.