Thursday, October 2, 2008

This week

This week has been a crazy one! We had Tuesday and Wednesday off and today I had an ESL conference I attended all day long. Although it was a great conference and I have to attend two more sessions, it was overwhelming. A colleague and myself were chosen for this conference because it is a pilot program which means it is new and therefore we must try the strategies in our classes. What is so overwhelming is the time involved. Don't get me wrong, I am up for anything and love trying new practices but I feel that at times administration wants too much. They need to understand and remember how time is very limited and it can be a challenging task for teachers. I know my principal relies on me for many things, and I will try my very best, but we, the educators, need a little break at times. I will share these new practices in class which focus on vocabulary.

1. Conference- meeting
2. overwhelming- too much at once
3. challenging- hard
4. educators- people who teach
5. principal- a person in charge of a school
6. vocabulary- unknown words

1. The class learned new ___________ to improve their reading comprehension.
2. The ___________ told her staff that there was going to be a dress code in the school.
3. Another word for hard is ________________.
4. I have had many ______________ in my life who have taught me many things.
5. The meeting was very ____________, there was too much information to learn at once.
6. The ____________ was interesting, new ESL strategies were presented.

Proper nouns are nouns that must contain an uppercase letter, even in the middle of a sentence. For example, the words Tuesday and Wednesday are proper nouns.


Teacher: Jackie said...

I sympathize with your feelings about professional development. I have given workshops on Election Day, when teachers want to be home but instead have to appear at workshops. I think there needs to be some kind of happy medium. Teachers deserve time off too, and professional development should be relevant.

Miss Mule' said...

Conferences can be so educational and interesting. They're especially wonderful when there isn't much else going on in life so that you can implement what was learned soon after the conference. We all know , it is virtually impossible to have nothing else going on in life to do nothing but attend conferences. :) I say there should be vacation getaways/teacher conferences ( theres an idea !!)