Thursday, October 9, 2008

party time

Although this weekend is going to be hectic, it's going to be fun! My mother is getting married on the 18th of this month and on Saturday I am throwing her a bridal shower and bachelorette party. It seems to be a lot in one day, but it's okay considering it worked out for everyone. I'm not big into the "girly" bridal shower parties and all but I'm actually really excited because I am the host! I researched a lot of fun games we can play. Although I am a good cook, I asked that each guest bring a dish of food because god only knows I don't have time to make a feast for 15 women! I hope you all have a great weekend! -Lanna

1. married- a committed ceremony for two people
2. bridal shower- a party celebrating a bride's marriage
3. researched- looked up something; past tense
4. cook- to make edible dishes
5. party- a type of celebration
6. host- a person who gave a party

Cloze exercise:
1. The bride and groom got ________ in a church.
2. The bride wanted to have a ________ ________ to celebrate her upcoming marriage.
3. I ________ different bridal shower games on the computer.
4. The ________ made the most delicious dinner I have ever had!
5. My brother wanted to plan a _______ for my graduation.
6. My brother will be the _______ of my graduation party.

Read the paragraph above and change the entire paragraph to the past tense.

1 comment:

Teacher: Jackie said...

Congratulations to your mother! I hope you have a lot of fun.

Wedding vocabulary and traditions are always fun for ELLs. You can add photos of the wedding later on or photos of weddings in general. Take a look at your definition of married. Could it be made clearer for ELLs?

I can't wait to hear about the shower.