Sunday, November 16, 2008


I look at my thesis daily and can not believe the master piece that I have created! It is a lot of work! My poster board is finally done and I'm excited because I envisioned it a certain way and all my hard work came to my board looking like I exactly wanted it. It is so crazy to think that I am graduating next month. I have known nothing but school and have never stopped my studies. It's challenging to have a child, husband, full time job and go to school. At one point in my life I went to graduate school full time at night. I am really proud of my accomplishments, especially with this thesis, because I am the first person in my family to not only graduate college but a masters degree as well. As I reflect on this thesis project, I think about the long sleepless nights and thoughts and effect that went into this project. It is mentally draining- nevertheless to take another class with it. I am excited to present it December 9th. After this, I have not a clue what I am going to do with my "extra" time. Actually, maybe I'll read for leisure, that should be fun! Well, please be aware of the dedication that is required for this thesis project. If I can do it, so can you!

daily- everyday
believe- to have a thought
create- to make
sleepless- not to sleep
exited- feeling of joy
extra- to have more

We all have _______ routines like brushing our teeth and sleeping.
The teacher said, "I can not _______ how well you all did on your math test!"
For my thesis project, I had to _______ a poster board to display my action research.
The parents had many _______ night, their baby would not sleep.
The students were ______ for their end of the year reading party.
The student did ________ work to get more points on the project.

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Circle all the adjectives in the paragraph above and create ten sentences using at least two adjectives in each sentence.


Carolyn said...

Hi. Wow! A thesis. Congratulations! It sounds like incredible dedication on your part. I know that someday I will be there too. I have about a year left in Molloy's grad program, I should graduate in May of 2010 with my Masters in ESL and English Education. I'm not a teacher yet but looking forward to it. I'm not married or a mother yet either so I can't imagine how full that schedule must feel. My mother graduated from college a few years ago and she had a lot to balance to, much like you. Mothers seem to have something special in them that makes them able to do everything. You sound really happy in life and should be proud of all of your hard work and achievements. Congratulations again. You should take a vacation when you're done presenting your thesis and bring your book with you.

Teacher: Jackie said...

I think the thesis is a great accomplishment and really the culmination of all your efforts to become a professional educator.
I can't wait to see your poster.