Saturday, November 8, 2008


I love Thanksgiving so much! I love the weather, the scenery, and most of all getting together with family. When I was much younger, my favorite holiday was Christmas. I guess it changed as I got older because of the concept of Thanksgiving. In other words, we give thanks to many things we have in our lives. As a child growing up, I did not have much. My mother and I were poor and the only thing that had us keeping going was the love we had for each other and knowing that it could be worse. I've always been thankful, but reflecting on my childhood, as an adult I am thankful for so much more. I am thankful for my friends, family, education, my career, my apartment, the fact that I can provide for my family financially and emotionally, and lastly my family's and my health. Thanksgiving is a time for all to come together and be thankful for what they have, instead of focusing on what they don't have! See you all next week.

thanks- to appreciate something
poor- not being able to afford to live
provide- to give
apartment- units of living space
financial- has to do with money
education- learning information from an institute

We saw _______ people laying on the street, they didn't have a house.
After I gave my friend a present, she said "________."
The mother and father work to ______ the for their children.
My friend lives in a house, but I live in an ________.
My mother was in _______ stress, she needed money to pay the bills.
I have had a long _________, I have been in school for many years.

Holidays are proper nouns. Anytime writing a holiday, you must use an uppercase at the beginning of the word. Think of other holidays you know, write at least 4 other holidays correctly by using an uppercase letter at the beginning of the word.


Teacher: Jackie said...

It was good to read about your feelings about Thanksgiving, I have also come to appreciate it more as I get older, but I miss the wonderful Thanksgivings at my grandmother's house, which all came to an abrupt end in 1977, when she and her sister and cousin all died within 6 months of each other. They had lived together all their lives. Still, I try to keep the tradition alive and hold happy holiday meals here. Though the family has changed significantly, the warmth and love of the holiday remain.

Vrivero said...

I loved reading your post. I love all holidays because of the feeling you get and getting together, but most of all you could ask anyone in my family I am obsessed with Christmas. Everyhthing is about Christmas in the month of December for me and I have to say that is when I am the happiest all year.