Monday, November 24, 2008

2nd grade Thanksgiving Feast

I have so much to be thankful for. As I write this blog I am making a turkey for the entire 2nd grade. Tomorrow we are having a grade Thanksgiving Feast. It is so exciting but at the same time it is so sad. I work in a very poor socioeconomic neighborhood and many of the children I teach don't have the opportunity to celebrate holidays. I love my job not only because I am teaching but because these children not only want me as their teacher, but need me as their teacher. I wake up everyday knowing that I will put smiles on their faces with my silly jokes or the things I do in the classroom. They have been so excited about the turkey and the stuffing that I am making for them . I am bringing aluminum foil because many of the kids need extra food, and I'll be the one giving it to them. I have never thought my profession in teaching would give me the joy I experience everyday of my life. Happy Thanksgiving and remember what you have, not what you don't have!! -Lanna

turkey- large bird that can be cooked
neighborhood- a place where people live and work
excited- past tense to be very happy
extra- to have more
profession- a career
teacher- a person who educates people in many areas

During Thanksgiving, many people eat _________.
The __________ had a feast, all the people came together to celebrate Thanksgiving.
The students were ________ when they saw the turkey and stuffing, their eyes brightened up with joy.
The teacher will give _______ turkey to the children who want to take some home.
I love my _______, or career as a _________, or educator.

Holidays are proper nouns that begin with an uppercase letter. Think of 5 more holidays and put each holiday in complete sentences.

1 comment:

Teacher: Jackie said...

I always knew you would love teaching, so it comes as no surprise. But thinking back just a few years to the Writing Center, I am not sure that we could have predicted that you would be teaching ESL, and I would be teaching you.

ESL teaching is addictive because it is so challenging and rewarding. Keep up the good work.